Monday, March 5, 2012

Blue Skies and 90 degrees = Life of a Yogi

It was beautiful here today. Sure it was warm (90 degrees F) but really pretty.

Around noon today I was doing my hour long yoga practice on the top floor of my house.  The curtains were open to the balcony. I opened the door to let the heat into the house while I practiced and the sun was shining from the skylight on the roof. I was trying some very difficult poses, focusing very hard on not falling down as I have been trying to learn some inversions (hand stands and shoulder stands). I was enjoying the difficulty of the various positions and feeling pleased with myself for the successes I had been having as of late. I finished my session with some quiet meditation and let my mind relax. 

During my peaceful contemplation I was focusing on my body. Feeling how strong my shoulders were becoming. How my legs felt and how my arm muscles were coming back after years of neglect. I could sense that my dog had come into the room and had lain down on her mat beside me. After a few more minutes, I opened my eyes and  noticed how blue the sky was. The air in my city had cleared out along with most of the dust that seems to float around consistently. How nice the call of the birds in my back yard were and how lovely the dragonflies looked while they graced my balcony with their presence. My dog Bella was lightly dozing beside me.

I looked around my yoga space and noticed how sparse it looked. Nothing on the white walls. Just a red mat on the floor with a purple blanket I had purhcased in Mexico like 8 years ago. There was an extra plushy blanket on the floor for my dog to sleep on while I practiced. In the corner were my yoga blocks and straps. On the ceiling was a basic, plain white fan set on high speed on this hot day. My room needed nothing more!

I started thinking about a yoga quote I had read in a book recently. It basically said that when you feel your life is lacking look inside and you will find peace. Today it made more sense to me than ever before. I found peace in the heat, the emptiness of my yoga space, the sound of my dog sleeping beside me on the floor.

My wish for you is that you find peace today. In your clean life. Your empty spaces. Your connection with yourself. The love of your dog. The sunny heat.  

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