Monday, June 18, 2012

Leaving on a Jet Plane

I am sitting at Gandhi International airport in Delhi waiting on my flight back to the US (something I do at least 4 times a year. Gotta love those frequent flyer miles). I wanted to share with you what I am seeing as it is always a sight to observe how people travel. For instance, when you sit and people watch you get to see people from all walks of life.

For instance…the new traveler ever anxious for that first flight, spotted later in the non-denominational prayer room whispering words of hope that the plane won’t crash.

The world conquering business man who has seen it all and done it all in every country, walking with purpose luggage streamlined on wheels behind him for ease of travel.

The enlightened Caucasian, English lady sporting her brand new sari and hand made, brightly colored cloth hand bag looking around trying to convince herself that she doesn’t look stupid wearing this authentic outfit.

The flight attendant on Korean Air, hoping and praying that everyone in the airport is noticing her attractive attire and thus reinforcing her belief that we all secretly long to work for an airlines too.

The group of American men in their 20’s traveling with backpacks stuffed full with techi gadgets, wearing flip flops and cargo shorts, white ear buds conveying that they belong to an IPhone, IPod, or something with I in the name. 

Please, forgive me it is 1:30 in the morning and my flight leaves in an hour. I am a tired and unhappy mess surrounded by people who probably have shorter flights than I do. 2 layovers (London and Dallas) before I land in my hometown a sparkling 27 hours from now.

I am sure someone down at the next gate is laughing at me while I am typing this saying, “Look at that lady typing like a mad person. I bet she wants everyone to think she is a writer.” Funny, I guess I kinda am in a short story kind of way. 

What funny things have you noticed in airports while waiting for a flight?

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