Saturday, August 25, 2012

This Backseat Sure is Comfortable

My husband and I hadn't spent in anytime in Emporio or Promenade Mall in New Delhi so we ventured that way today to spend some time indoors. One reason for the visit is because during monsoon season the heavy rains sure can put a damper on your outdoor fun. The second, and possibly more important reason, is that my husband drives a Harley Road King in the US and had heard they had a Harley store in the mall. He wanted to see what accessories they had to outfit his bike or his person.

Now these 2 malls we visited happen to cater to some of the wealthier folks that live in the area so while we were window shopping and wondering around drinking coffee we happened to notice that they were advertising the new Audi A6 in the middle of the mall.

We stopped by the car to take a look at its sleek lines and beautiful interior. It was very attractive in a gleaming black and chrome kind of way. All sparkly and new. Then we noticed an odd thing...there was a line of "wealthier" people who were waiting to try out the backseat. Seriously! These folks were considering buying the car all they cared about was how comfortable the back seat was to them. In other words, they didn't care how the vehicle drove, how comfortable the driver's seat was, or what amenities the car had...all they cared about was the ride from the back of the car. You see in India most people buying an Audi have a driver to escort them everywhere thus the most important part of the car is the view from the back of it.

To an American this was very strange indeed, thus why Lance and I began laughing. In the states, all you care about is how the thing drives and how comfortable the driver's seat is since we don't have someone there to drive us around from point A to B. Funny, these tiny moments make me realize just how different the two cultures are from each other.

So it got me thinking. It is kind of an American iconic image right...getting into your car...rolling down the windows...and cruising around alone (or with friends) listening to "American Pie" (or in my husband's case DMB's "American Baby"). Think about the classic Route 66 and you've got the general gist of the thing. Thus, I must say that today I miss my car. I miss my independence. I miss the freedom to talk in my car with my husband about whatever I want and not have a driver listening in. I miss listening to my own music for once. I miss my lovely, beautiful silver 4 door car. But I truly don't really care about my backseat at all. I just want to put the peddle to the metal and DRIVE. Yeah baby. I miss that!

So if you happen to live in a place where you have the freedom, and privilege, of owning your own car that you personally me a favor, will you? Take a drive by yourself this week, roll down the windows, crank up your favorite music, and enjoy the ride.  : )

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