Monday, September 10, 2012

Aw Rats....

I love monsoon season in India. It is great because all the rain makes the sky on a non-rainy day appear a piercing blue color. I love the fact that every plant turns deep green and hangs its head heavy soaking up all the lovely fat rain drops. I love the afternoon showers that are perfect for reading a good book. I love watching the little kids play in the falling rain and splash in the wide puddles.

So, the other night I go outside to take in my deep green backyard and appreciate the evening down pour. While sitting on my back porch sipping some Chai I spot something that made me yell out a loud, "Aw, Rats!"

Rats indeed. A rat den had been built in my back yard between my pool and the exterior wall of the garden. I could tell immediately what it was not because I could actually see a rat peeking out (had I seen that I would have yelled out a curse word and ran away immediately while shrieking), but because I knew the look of a rat hole from seeing them all over India over the last year. Aw Rats! Ugh! Beady red eyes. Dull gray coat. Disease spreading vermin.

The monsoon rains make them come out of the ground and spread like wild fire. When the roads flood and the water rises in the gutters and underground tunnels you see them everywhere. Hence why they had taken up residence in my yard having been forced up through our overflow pipes in the garden. The heavy rain forcing them to relocate to areas higher above the rising water. And it doesn't matter what neighborhood you live in every area has them. You can't stop the impact from the torrential amounts of rain that fall here.

So a quick trip to the store to purchase some rat killing cakes and half an hour later the bait was laid out for them. All over the yard the tasty treats awaited to kill their prey. I headed inside thinking....'Let them eat cake!'

And of course I awoke the next morning to the lovely smell of dead animals. So of course I had to say it again, "Aw Rats!" Smelly, yucky rats.

That is India for you. You have to learn to take the good that comes with the rain and the bad. 

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