Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The "Guilt" Theater

Our friends invited us over to dinner and to watch a movie....an old but good one starring Harrison Ford called Blade Runner. After enjoying a wonderful Asian dinner of mixed cultural origins we were ready to relax, prop our feet up, and enjoy the movie. As my husband and I settled down into the living room of our friends' well appointed and extremely large home (about 8,000 square feet), our hosts inform us we are not staying in but going to the clubhouse to watch this early 1980s movie on a bigger screen.

As we headed out the front door and proceeded towards the neighborhood's exclusive clubhouse I made polite conversation with our hosts. I was struck by the reality that I had never been to see a movie in a private theater. My hostess remarked that they reserved the theater often at the clubhouse because the amenities were so nice so this was just a perk of living in this Gurgaon neighborhood.

The four of us arrived at the clubhouse and were personally escorted up a private, marble staircase and into a very large personal theater that easily sat 100 people in individual leather recliners. I stood in the doorway with my mouth hanging open. Our friends had spent the last 20 years traveling as expats around Asia and thus were accustomed to such excess and services but this was new to me. Wow!!! That was all I could think. Our server approached us with beverages and popcorn and we each took a different chair on a different row so we could really stretch out.

The walls were covered in red velvet and one whole wall was covered with an extremely large screen. Even the sound system was impressively loud. It was incredible to watch a movie this way.

It is hard to know how to feel about this sort of wealth. I love my friends dearly and they give back a lot wherever they live. I am not sure I would feel comfortable living in a neighborhood like this......guilt and all.....but I will admit I enjoyed the movie that night. Another experience being an expat here has afforded me and one for which I will not soon forget. 

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