Monday, January 30, 2012

The Art of the 3 Minute Shower

My first few weeks in India did not go well for one simple reason. The HOT showers were not long enough!

While living in our beautiful home has it perks there is one down side. Image trying to shave your legs when  you only have 3 minutes of hot to luke warm water. How does one accomplish everything that needs to occur in the shower when you only have 3 minutes. Really people....that's not enough time for a woman. Scrubbing, shampooing, shaving. The 3 major S's of the shower require more than a meer few minutes of hot water.

I was frustrated and tried everything to extend the life of the shower. I tried wetting my hair and turning off the water to conserve the precious resource. That just left me shivering in a cold bath room while gritting my teeth and cursing the shower gods. I tried using the extremly large bath tub but alas it didn't fill up with much hot water so shaving became painfully bumpy as my goose bumps began to crop up. I even tried shaving one body part a day. Me: Right leg today. Left leg tomorrow. Underarms next day. Ok, so it sounds funny but I began hiding my body under long sleeves and long pants. Finally one day, Lance just asks...."Ok, what's up with all the long clothes? Are you cold?" I simply explain, "No! I don't have enough hot water for my normal routine." He laughs and walks me into the bathroom and turns on the faucet. "Turn the dial half way to hot. Then only open up the flow like one-third of the way. It makes the hot water last longer." My eyes light up! I say, "THANK GOD! I was worried I was going to become one of those hairy European women who can braid their under arm hair!"

Later on I would get mad that my husband had not told me about the proper hot water saving procedures. I think he had been secretly waiting to see if I would let myself go! Perhaps there are hairy women all over India who just accept this natural part of life hairy legs and all. Or perhaps they just know the secret to conserving the hot water.

Now I enjoy my 20 minute bath. I have time to scrub everything. I can properly shampoo my hair. I can shave my legs...really...all in the same bath. I have time to work on feeling like my normal self again. Yeah! And just when I was working so hard to make the 3 minute shower work for me. I will not miss you cold water. I will not miss you hairy legs.

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