Saturday, January 21, 2012

McDonalds and the Bouncing Child

I headed to McDonalds yesterday becuase I had a "hankerin" for some good old fashioned french fries. I am happy to report that my entire lunch cost me $2.40 for a McChicken, medium fry, and a diet coke (in a can). I was thrilled. I thought to myself I could make this a daily trip...maybe butt might get very big indeed if I did that.

Anyways, so I am enjoying my meal, watching the other patrons, and writing in my journal when the cutest kid I have ever seen in my life comes in wearing an adorable home knit hat, complete with animal ears. He is with his father and they head up to the counter. I see them a few moments later as they take a seat a few tables down from me, and wouldn't you know his dad had bought him a happy meal. The handle had the two perfect McDonalds arches, and don't worry folks, creepy Ronald McDonald the clown is alive and well in India and on prominent display. (Never did like that guy. )

So the kid, who is about three years old, begins to eat his "chicken" something sandwich and a starts to bounce. You know... that happy bounce kids do when they are really, REALLY excited about what they are eating. I smiled and realized that this is one of those non-verbal cues that crosses all cultures that means I am happy and content with my life today. I make a decision right then and there to bounce a few times today in honor of the tradition.

As I leave McDonalds later I run into my friend Ronald in the lobby. He has his red curly hair and stark white face, and the biggest grin. Just then a mother and daughter go up to Ronald (the statue) and the little girl hugs him. I then realize that my hatered of the scary clown needs to be reconsidered. Maybe I like the guy after all....hmmmm.

1 comment:

  1. What a great moment. :) I adore those little cultural insights that you only get when you open your eyes to attentively WATCH (not just see) and/or your ears to truly LISTEN to (not just hear) others.

    I have to agree with you about clowns though, Ronald included.


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