Friday, February 3, 2012

Best Birthday Present: Meat

My birthday was February 1st.

Lance asked me what I wanted for my birthday and I said, "Well if we were in the US I would say jewelry but since we are in India I am gonna say...MEAT. You know like lamb, beef, anything but more chicken." He just laughed.

Two days later on my birthday I got a lovely new green amethyst ring from my loving husband. So sweet! I thought the gifts were over but that night after work Lance tells me he has another gift for me...dinner. So we head to "Wildfire." We walk in the door to the restaurant and my face lights up. Tears begin to fall from my eyes. In front of me are open wood burning grills where lovely skewers of delicious meats are slowly rotating. My mouth waters. My stomach growls. I smell beef. Lots and lots of beef. I hug my husband and thank him over and over again. Who knew I would be more excited about beef than a new ring.  He'll know better next year and just feed me!

The waiter comes over and I order the biggest order of meat on the menu. It included 5 skewers of lamb, salmon, chicken, prawns, and BEEF. There are sauces for each kind of meat and a salad bar with breads. Lance orders the same. We proceed to spend the next 3 hours eating the fantastic meal and downing a bottle of wine together. It was delicious.

I started feeling a slow beef high begining to hit my brain (could have been the overindulgence in the wine but I'm gonna say it was the medium-well cooked cow!). My legs are mushy. My heart is light. I am laughing like a silly girl. Then Lance gets the bill....turns out in India a good meal will cost you a fortune just like in the US. He wouldn't tell me how much but he did say that it was over 10,000 rupees. Ouch!

Overall it was the perfect birthday.
Thank you honey! I won't forget it when your birthday comes around.
Wildfire night #2 here we come!

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