Friday, February 17, 2012

If You Can't Laugh at Yourself....

Perhaps one of the funniest things that I have ever done I did yesterday. I hope you get a good laugh out of it.

So as you have already read I have a driver, Sushil. But on Thursdays I have a different driver, Sonu, so Suhil can have the day off to spend with family and friends or do whatever. On Wednesday afternoon of this week Suhil tells me, "Mam? We need to get the car serviced soon."

I say sure and explain that Lance would tell him when we can do this based on his schedule. I then ask him, "Do we get a loaner car while the car is being serviced so I am not stuck at home all day without transportation?"

Sushil reponds, "Yes, mam. The boss' office will supply one." (Boss means Lance by the way.)

That night I inform Lance that we need to get the car serviced in the next few days. He agrees to ask about it in the morning and set it up.

On Thursday morning my driver, Sonu, and my normal car, a Toyota, show up at 8 am. I go out around 9 am to tell my driver I won't need him today. I know that all the drivers enjoy hanging out at the office waiting for the other expats to finish work and that the drivers are all good friends who like to share gossip. So I send Sonu back to the office to hang out with them. He leaves.

Around 6:00 pm that night I get an email from Lance saying Sonu is waiting to pick me up outside the house so we can head out to dinner at our favorite Indian restaurant, "The Corriander Leaf." I am thrilled and responded back with, "That is a great idea. See you in about 20 minutes at your office."

So I get ready and head outside. Now, I immediately notice that there is a different car parked directly in front of my house this time. It is a lovely, maroon colored Honda with beautiful leather interior. It looks like Sonu in the driver side seat and my security gaurd is sitting in the front passenger seat. So I think to myself, 'Oh, Lance must have had the car serviced today and this is the loaner car. That's pretty nice for a loaner car.' I head on over to get in.

(Sigh) Do you see where this is going?

My guard gets out of the front seat just as I hop into the back. The gentleman in the front seat turns around and IT ISN'T SONU. My smile fades and I state, "Oh God!" We look at each other for a moment.

Just then my security guard opens the door and says "Mam, this is the neighbor's car." He is trying not to laugh at me. I see a smile hiding behind his hand. The driver just looks confused. I am too.

I get out quickly and mumble "Sorry. I was confused." I repeat this several times. I feel like an idiot. Really!!! I stand there mumbling and apologizing.

Then my neighbor comes outside! I think, 'Oh great, this just keeps getting better and better!' We haven't officially met yet so this is not a GREAT first impression. I appologize to her and claim it has been one of those days and with the cars and drivers changing I just assumed it was my loaner car. Now mind you there are not many expats in my neighborhood so I am sure they all thought that crazy American doesn't even know which car is her's. Which in retrospect I really didn't. I go inside glad it is dark out so no one can see my bright red face.

My driver Sonu shows up about 2 minutes later and from the front window of my house I can see my guard telling him the story. I walk out and try to smile at all of them. I get in the car with a sheepish look on my a child who was caught trying to steal an extra cookie or something. Sonu smiles from the corner of his mouth and says, "Hello Mam."

On the way to the office I say nothing. I am too embarassed and he knows why. About half way there, in true Indian style, he starts making small talk...most unlike him to chat away while driving...and I realize he is trying to get my mind off of my mistake. I know this trick and appreciate his effort greatly.

Later that night at dinner I tell Lance my embarrasing story. He laughs hysterically out loud. Everyone in the restaraunt turns to stare and he says loudly, "You have to share that on your blog. It is too funny." He then tells me he would have made the same mistake and not to worry about it.

So if you can't laugh at yourself....then please don't move to a foreign country where you don't speak the language. Otherwise it will be very bumpy ride indeed and I am not talking about the roads.  :)


  1. It's great to read the blogs. Also it gives me a unique perspective to look at India. This is one was real funny!

    1. Oh Chaitanya it was so funny! I felt so dumb.

      Hey, let me know if anything I write on the blog is offensive. I really don't want to upset anybody. :) Keep me honest and real...ok? I'll need your feedback.


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