Thursday, April 12, 2012

"Bleep" on the Beef

Last night Lance and I were watching one of our favorite cooking shows (David Rocco's show "Dolce Vita"). The show was a good one about making homemade pesto and sauces for pasta and meats. Although Lance and I could not focus on the recipes because every time David said the term "beef" they would bleep it out! Seriously, beef is apparently as bad a word as "prostitute" or "sex" here which are bleeped out on every show which basically makes American shows very hard to watch here. Too much bleeping. :)

Anyways it was so funny....every few seconds he would say something like, "when you enjoy this "bleep" dish the "bleep" flavors will just melt in your mouth."

So for the rest of the night Lance and I would take turns saying things like.....
I am hungry for a "bleep" burger.
Do you want me to make some "bleep" steaks tomorrow for dinner?
Did you see how he made that delicious "bleep" sauce? Yum.

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