Saturday, April 14, 2012

Pizza Without the Dough???

Yesterday I went to a world cuisine grocery store. You know one of those stores that sells all kinds of world wide products. For me it usually means finding some good sauces, mixes, and comforts of home. I was excited as I entered the store and saw a handy mix that you could use to make pizza dough (among other items). I thought 'homemade pizza sure sounds good. I think I will get that.' I cruise the rest of the store and find some more nice toppings for homemade pizza and I am really started to get excited. Really good mushrooms, pepperonis, olives, grated mozzarella end up in my basket. Yum.

So I get up to the counter to pay for my goods feeling all excited that my dinner plans tonight will include all of my dinner guests getting to make their own individual little pizzas with whatever toppings they prefer when the cashier informs me he can not find the pizza dough mix in the computer. He calls over a manager to look too but alas no code for that item in their little computer. I sit there for like 5 minutes before the manager tells the cashier to ring up the other items while he looks. So the cashier scans the mushrooms, pepperonis, olives, mozzarella, etc while the manager looks for the pizza dough.

Another 5 minutes passes and the manager comes back and says, "Sorry mam, we can not find this item. Did you still want the pizza dough. I can just put it back."

I laugh and declare, "Yes, I still want the pizza dough!"

He stares at me, "We can not ring it up."

I know I was looking at him like he was an idiot or something. I sigh and say back, "Well then I will not need the rest of the toppings." I turn to leave the store.

He yells after me in a slightly distressed voice, "You do not want the rest of your food items?"

Really I mean what was I going to do with all these toppings without the pizza dough. For a funny moment I contemplate serving pizza sauce mixed with mushrooms and olives right out of my hand. People could just lick the pizza toppings up instead of eating them off dough like normal people do.

I know what you are thinking...maybe he didn't know how to make pizza but they literally have a pizza place on every street corner here...everyone eats he knew!

To make a long story short...a moment later he finally found the code. I made my pizzas that night. Life was good. But every time I think about those pizzas I think about serving them without the dough. Just a mash of pizza toppings you have to scoop into your hand. Funny!  :) And of course I had to tell our friends at dinner how close they came to just having toppings for dinner instead of pizza. :)

1 comment:

  1. Make Your Own Pizzas is still one of my favorite dinner parties. Always fun and everyone gets just what they want. :) I can email you my great pizza dough recipe any time. The ingredients aren't too fancy, so presuming you could get what you needed to make it (flour, yeast, oil). xx


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